10 Healthy Breakfast Recipes for Weight Loss

If you’re trying to slim down, don’t skip breakfast! Research shows that regular breakfast eaters tend to be leaner and dieters are more successful at losing weight — and keeping it off — when they eat breakfast. Mix up your morning meal and try one of these healthy, low-calorie breakfast recipes.

How to Get Skinny Legs

For you to acquire great lean and slim legs you must go beyond a few simple leg exercises and instead adopt a routine to achieve a combination of fat loss and improved muscularity and flexibility of your legs. If you want slim legs, make sure that you have read how to lose stubborn fat first. Also, learn about how to slim calves here.

7 Easy exercises that burn stomach fat fast

If building a six-pack were easy almost everyone would have sexy abs. It's not only the actual effort that's hard, it's also knowing "how" to burn stomach fat correctly that's a challenge. Read on and burn the unwanted calories with these exercises to burn stomach fat quickly.

10 Best Holiday diet tips

Holidays bring family and friends together to celebrate traditions and spread good cheer. They also bring lots of opportunities for socializing, eating, and drinking. Even the most disciplined people struggle with temptation during the holiday season.

Having a plan in place will help you handle night after night of eating and drinking.

6 Good ways to lose weight & get abs for teen girls

Good Ways to Lose Weight & Get Abs for Teen Girls Photo Credit Roger Weber/Photodisc/Getty Images

It's hard to have friends, fun and a life while trying to get six-pack abs -- but you can lose weight and get abs without giving up your life. Losing weight and attaining a fit body does not have to mean hours in the gym and an overly restrictive diet. Lose weight and strengthen your abs by working out smart and eating plenty.

A routine workout for teen girls to lose belly fat

As a teen girl, you have decided it's time to lose that belly fat. Losing fat takes more than just watching what you eat. You also need to increase your physical activity; burning those pesky calories doesn't have to be boring or difficult. With a combination of aerobics and resistance training, creating an efficient routine workout to lose belly fat is easy to do.

How to lose belly fat in a month for teen girls

First, some facts about teen girls and belly fat. The normal, or healthy, percentage of body fat actually increases for girls as they enter their teens. So it's not unusual for a previously angular or "boyish" figure to become more rounded. It's also not unusual for girls to "thicken" a little in their middles prior to growth spurts. Think of it as a piece of elastic getting thinner as it gets longer. Finally, if a teen girl is carrying too much fat, one month isn't much time to take it off, as the recommended healthy weight-loss rate is between 1 and 2 pounds per week. That said, teens -- girls and boys -- need regular exercise and a good diet to grow and stay healthy. 

9 Weight-loss tips for crazy-busy people

Maybe you're stuck working regular 10-hour days. Or maybe your manager did away with your real lunch break, and it's now a lunch pause. Or you're up all hours
taking care of a newborn. We get it—life these days is crazy-hectic. And when you're stressed and time-pressed, one of the first things to go out the window is your weight-loss plan. Who has time to cook healthy food or make it to the gym when there's just so much to take care of every day? Take a deep breath, relax, and read these brilliantly easy ways to stick to your diet.

How to calculate how many calories you really need


As anyone who has ever struggled with the scale knows, weight-loss success mostly comes down to keeping track of calories. And while general guidelines offer a daily intake range to shoot for (the Dietary Guidelines for Americans say young women should aim for 1,800 to 2,400 daily calories, depending on age and activity level), that range isn’t necessarily tailored to your specific needs—so it’s not as precise as it could be.

Quinoa: The fat-burning food that works for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Michele Promaulayko is the former editor-in-chief of Women's Health and author of 20 Pounds Younger.
By now, we've all heard about—and maybe even tried—the exalted quinoa grain. But until I started tapping into the great minds of nutritionists like Keri Glassman, R.D., one of the Life Stylists featured in my upcoming book 20 Pounds Younger, I didn't realize how incredibly versatile this ancient grain is. These days, I even eat it for breakfast! And why not? It's delicious and filling and totally unprocessed.

7 Genius ways to burn even more calories outside

We’re officially giving you permission to skip the gym. But don’t hop on the couch just yet—it’s time to head outside. The weather is perfect for outdoor workouts right now, and exercising outside can add a ton of versatility to your tired fitness routine. Check out these 9 ways to make the most of your al fresco sweat session.

5 Exercises that will transform your body

Looking for some effective ways to transform your body? There are a few great exercises that will help you to reach your fitness goal. These exercises are easy but effective in strengthening your body along with burning unwanted calories. However, sticking to these exercises is not enough to transform your body, you should also eat healthy and get enough sleep regularly. Don’t waste your precious time doing other workouts, here are seven exercises that will help you transform your body in no time.

11 Fat Loss Rules What To Consider While Keeping Muscle

In today's society it's not hard to spot a commercial, newspaper, magazine, poster, flyer, or TV infomercial that's explaining or touting the latest truth on weight loss, toning up, building muscle, getting stronger or feeling better, or maybe it touts all of the above!

Lose fat with this 7-Day, 1200-calorie meal plan

Follow this and you’ll slim down fast and still feel satisfied.


Part of sliming down involves a simple, sensible exercise and eating plan. Here's a week-long menu for our Lose 20 Pounds Fast Diet program: Over the next 90 days you should aim to consume 1,200 calories a day plus calorie-free beverages as desired, and take a multivitamin and a 400-milligram calcium supplement daily.

10 Tips to lose fat and keep it off

Instead of simply trying to diet and lose fat, it's time to adopt some lifestyle changes. These tips will help you to stay lean and healthy year round.

The following tips should be adopted as lifestyle changes, and just not temporary diet changes. They will help you lose fat, keep it off, and improve your health.
10 Fat Loss Tips