5 tips to make your kitchen fitness friendly

Eating five or six healthy meals, every single day? Is it even possible for a busy person with maybe a family and kids? Of course it is! These 5 tips will guarentee you fitness success!

Tip 1. Cooking And Storage Items

-Food Scale
-Sharpie Pen
-Plastic Storage Containers
-Ziploc bags
-Measuring Utensils
-Non-stick skillet or Grill
-Steamer or Sauce Pan
-Non-Stick Sprays or
-Oil Spray Bottle for Less Fat Cooking

Tip 2. Food Safety

It is safe according to the FDA to cook and store foods such as rice,whole wheat pasta and couscous; they will stay fresh in the fridge for about 48 hours after you've cooked them.

The USDA states that you can eat pre-cooked chicken, turkey, andbeef up to three days later, and fish one or two days after cooking. It's wise to freeze anything you won't be eating until week's end, and to thaw tomorrow's meals in the refrigerator the evening before.

Now it's time to write out a basic list of healthy, fit foods good for anytime of the day or night.

Tip 3. Foods/Condiments

Lean cuts of beef, boneless skinless chicken breasts (nohormones/additives), wild salmon, and halibut or tuna fillet.

Extra lean ground turkey is an excellent replacement for ground beef; with the loss of fat though, expect a loss of flavor, so adequateseasoning is needed, in fact it's a large part of eating healthy for the rest of your life.

Also be sure to select healthy, clean carbohydrates like whole grains,sweet potatoes, non-instant oats and a variety of fruits and green vegetables for energy when you need it.

Non fat milk, Greek yogurt, and natural peanut or almond butter are constant staples, so keep these on hand.

There are other condiments that can help you enjoy your food, while reducing calories and eating clean. These are mustards (look for added sugar when they are flavored or 'specialty'); low sodium soy/teriyaki sauce, salsa, olive oil, and low sugar dressings are all excellent additions to a fit pantry.

Low Sugar and Low Sodium Condiments Can Help You Enjoy Your
Food While Reducing Calories.

Tip 4. Cooking And Preparation

Cut and chop all raw meats separately from each other and separate from the vegetables. Be sure to wash your hands between each and every food item, cross contamination is possible from raw chicken to raw vegetables and no need to get sick when trying to get fit.

Chop and dice several kinds of veggies like red and green peppers,onions, and garlic and store in separate small containers for easy grabbing when making an egg white omelet, skillet bowl, or salad.

Cook (be sure each food reaches 165 degrees to ensure done-ness)chicken breasts and other meats in their respective pans, and divide them out into 3-5 oz portions, leaving dry to season later or season before you chill it, but some may cause your food to get soggy and I don't prefer soggy meats.

Cut and chop all raw meats separately from each other and separate from the vegetables and be sure to wash your hands between each and every food item to prevent cross contamination.

Storing things like avocado do better when you squirt a bit of lemon juice into the container, the acidity will prevent the oxidation (browning) that you see once it's cut and exposed to air.

Cut up other veggies along with fruits to grab when craving something crunchy or sweet and other vegetables store cooked in 2-4 oz portions to eat alongside your protein meals.

If you need to take these to work grab a medium to large lunchbox/cooler, the kind that's label states it holds up to "24 cans" is a good size at any store and be sure it can hold up to 3 meals and ashake (whey, casein, or blend of proteins) or large water bottle all at once.

If you eat like you should when getting lean and healthy, it will be every 3 hours, never more than 4 hours between meals to prevent a blood sugar crash; this could lead to cravings that are hard to overcome.

There are some excellent protein products in the BodyBuilding.com store, and they are a lot less expensive here than other places, so take advantage.

(For incredible flavor I prefer Gaspari Myofusion; but BodyBuilding.com customers voted Optimum Nutrition as the best one for them!)

So three meals is about 9 hours, and that shake is just in case you work out during your lunch break or day, or get stuck longer than you thought away from your fit pantry and safe, pre-cooked meals.

Tip 5. The Basics

Eat something with carb and protein in it as soon as you wake up, and then try to eat every three to four hours maximum during the day and evening. Avoid excessive caffeine or energy enhancers, drinks, and the like when starting this lean eating lifestyle, try to rely on the clean foods and proper timing of meals to keep your body awake and energized throughout your day, it really works.

Once your body is over the cravings and old eating habits of sugar and chemicals, you will actually crave these fit and nutritionally dense foods. It's completely acceptable to want junk food, the fat and sugar makes us crave it, but try to limit these items to once a week; things like dessert, white pasta with full fat sauces, and breads or pastries and alcohol.

One cannot expect success by eliminating the 'fun' foods completely; but a healthy, fit and wise individual who spends hours in the gym, and wants to look like it knows how to limit and sacrifice for a greater reward. Your reward will be a fit body, attractive physique and overall good health.

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