5 Delicious and healthy smoothiesecipes you didn't know

Strawberries and frozen banana—again? Power out of a smoothie slump by blending new ingredients, like hemp seeds, winter squash, and dried figs, into a health-boosting beverage your taste buds will love.
1. Fignana

This bone-strengthening smoothie from New York City-based nutritionist Rachel Meltzer Warren, R.D., gets an extra punch of calcium from a surprising source—dried figs. Plus, the banana provides potassium, which helps restore electrolyte balance after a depleting workout.

1 medium banana, frozen
3 large dried figs, stems removed and soaked in water for at least 30 minutes
1 cup plain low-fat yogurt
½ cup 1% milk
2 tsp blackstrap molasses

Tip: Make the Fignana smoothie vegan by opting for soy, coconut, or almond milk and yogurt.

2. Green Machine

Here’s proof that not all green drinks have a taste—or texture—that resembles dirt. This smoothie, from The Fresh Energy Cookbook: Detox Recipes to Supercharge Your Life, by Natalia Rose and Doris Choi, gets its creamy texture from banana and avocado. Full of monounsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids, avocados help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, like A, D, and E, making the Green Machine a true power drink.

1 8 oz box organic baby spinach
½ cup ripe avocado
1 ripe banana
1 tray ice cubes
1–2 cups water
Stevia, to taste

Optional: Sprinkle dried, shredded coconut on top.

Serves: 2

3. Avacolada

You just hit the gym and now you’re equal parts hungry and thirsty—which do you satisfy first? Well, Sarma Melngailis, owner of New York City juice joint One Luck Duck Juice & Takeaway and author of Raw Food Real World, serves up a smoothie that is as filling as it is refreshing. Avocado delivers a hearty dose of hunger-fighting healthy fat while coconut water pumps this post-workout smoothie full of hydrating potassium.

1 ripe avocado, peeled and pitted
3 cups diced pineapple
2 cups coconut water
3 tbsp lime juice
1 tbsp coconut butter (optional)
2 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of sea salt

Tip: Sweeten to taste with agave, Stevia, coconut nectar, or a natural sweetener of your choice.

4. Blue-green-blue Smothie

Keep this immunity-boosting smoothie, another Aaron Ash creation, on regular rotation during cold and flu season. It’s packed with vitamin C-rich orange juice and blueberries plus a dash of disease-fighting blue-green algae. For staying power, add hemp seeds, a great vegan source of protein and essential fatty acids.

1 tbsp hulled hemp seeds
1–1¼ cups orange juice
3–4 kale leaves
½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries
½ tsp spirulina
2 fresh or frozen bananas

5. Cleansing

Throw back one too many drinks at your buddy’s bachelor party last weekend? Try this cleansing tonic, courtesy of Aaron Ash.

4–6 cups seasonal greens, like kale, collard greens, lettuce, or spinach
1½ apples, cored and chopped
2 tbsp flax oil
1 celery stalk, chopped
1¼ cups water

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