How to burn +300 calories at home in 30 minutes

Which close-to-home cardio activities blast fat fastest? Whit this short guide you can perform exercises at home and burn as many calories as you want.

Here are the top fat-and-calorie burners at home. Try any one of these, and you'll boost your metabolism for up to a whole day afterward. One small workout, one giant payoff.

Jumping rope

Burns 340 calories in 30 minutes

You knew this workout had to be high on the list. After all, it’s one of pro boxers' favorite ways to train. To get the most from each jump, use a rope with handles that reach to just under your armpits when you stand on the middle of it, and follow these top-form tips: Jump with your feet slightly apart and body upright, and keep your jumps low to the ground. Don’t have a rope? You’ll get the same benefits by doing the movements rope-free. 

Hula hooping
Burns 300 calories in 30 minutes

Marisa Tomei and Beyoncé hoop to keep their bodies beautiful. To do it yourself, grab an adult-sized hoop (they're larger and heavier than kids' hoops, making them easier to spin); you'll know you have the right size if it reaches your chest when you stand it up in front of you. Simply keep it going around your waist. To start, stand with one foot in front of the other and shift your weight back and forth (versus around in a circle). And don't worry if you're less than perfect at first; you'll still knock off major calories, plus get better every time you spin.

Burns 221 calories in 30 minutes

This may not be the biggest calorie-burner in the bunch, but it's still an excellent—and fun!—metabolism booster. (Just look at Kelly Osbourne, who jump-started her amazing 42-pound loss on Dancing with the Stars.) The key is to keep the tempo high, choosing songs with fast rhythms like Latin or Bollywood, and don't rest between songs. Try Braganza's favorite trick: Download a workout's worth of your favorite tunes. Begin with an upbeat inspirational song (think "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga), then move on to songs with increasingly faster tempos. Slow the beat toward the end to cool down. 

Mountain Climbers
Try this plyometric exercise to burn mega-calories and strengthen your core, hips, and thighs.

Because of its ability to work multiple muscle groups, the mountain climber exercise is associated with multiple benefits. Here are some of the most important ones.

If you are a beginner having difficulty with the exercise, try elevating your hands on a small bench or step. You can also do the exercise more slowly which will control your heart rate. Another option is to decrease your range of motion by not bringing your knees up as close to your chest and making shorter jumps.

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