Different Levels of Body Fat in Men & Women

Body fat percentage is a great way to determine health and track weight loss. Average body fat percentages vary between men and women, as well as between different age groups. Below you’ll find a table with the different ranges of body fat for men and women, and illustrations of what these body fat percentages look like.

How to Get Abs! Blast Belly Fat.

Women want a flat, toned midsection, men six-pack abs. Despite these aspirations, most of us are heading in the wrong direction and gaining more and more belly fat, year upon year. You might be overweight or might be lean and have too much belly fat. Irrespective of your BMI, there are many health risks associated with belly fat. You can’t sleep as well as you used to, your lower back aches and exercise causes your knees hurt.

Weight Loss Program: Day-By-Day exercise plan.

To transform your body, to get fit, to be healthy and to feel great you gotta exercise. Just like the air you breathe, your body needs physical exercise. And it needs exercise in a way that is so far-reaching that scientists are only just starting to unravel some of the amazing effects exercise has on our bodies. Did you know, that exercise can actually reprogram your DNA? And while you may think that by not doing exercise you’re not doing any harm, lack of exercise itself can alter your DNA – but unfavourably!

How to make a weight loss smoothie

A major reason for the popularity of smoothies is their chameleon-like ability to be transformed into whatever you need them to be. Whether you just want a sweet treat, a workout drink, a health-boost or want to lose weight – smoothies can do it all. It’s what makes them so great, well that and the fact that they are excessively delicious.

How to burn +300 calories at home in 30 minutes

Which close-to-home cardio activities blast fat fastest? Whit this short guide you can perform exercises at home and burn as many calories as you want.

Here are the top fat-and-calorie burners at home. Try any one of these, and you'll boost your metabolism for up to a whole day afterward. One small workout, one giant payoff.

The Venus Factor System Reviews: Exclusive Weight Loss Program for Women

Note that this a review of Casey, one of @uMotivation team, if you’re looking for Venus Factor’s website then click here.

If you are one of the numerous girls and women who are not completely satisfied with the way they look, Venus Factor is one of the shortest path to changing that and enjoying a well toned, gorgeous looking body. Interested? continue reading our review.