7 Tiny Tweaks That’ll Help You Lose More Weight

You don’t have to revolutionize your diet to make your New Year’s resolution a reality—just take what you're already doing, and look for opportunities to make small improvements. You’ll be surprised how these 15 slight adjustments can help yield big results over time.

Drink Seltzer Instead of Soda (Even if It's Diet)

Unless you live in a bubble, you know both drinking your calories and artificial sweeteners accelerate weight gain. So ditch the sweet drinks, and switch to soda water. Jazz it up with a squeeze of lemon, lime, or orange—or add cucumber slices or pomegranate seeds.

Eat More Protein and Less Sugar at Breakfast

Switch from cereal, toast, and muffins to yogurt, nuts, nut butter, and eggs to give yourself the fuel you need in the a.m. You won’t miss carb-crashing in an hour—you’ll notice you feel more energized and satisfied longer. You want both of those!

Start Having a Mid-Morning Snack

If you have more than a few hours between breakfast and lunch, start eating a small snack between the two meals. A few strategically placed, healthful calories at that time will keep you from overeating and being too hungry at lunch. Think nuts and veggies, rather than packaged snack foods.

Read the Sugar Count on Labels

There are about a bazillion names for sugar out there, and you don’t want any of 'em to top the ingredient lists on foods you're putting into your mouth. Make a rule not to sink your teeth into nutrient-poor, weight gain-causing ingredients. Swap your sweets for nature’s candy—yes, I mean fruit!—and you’re on your way to weight loss.

Ditch the Bread and Try a Lettuce Wrap

Bread is not the devil, but it really doesn’t offer a lot of nutrition—and does bump up the calorie count. Replace your usual sandwich holder with a romaine or cabbage leaf. It works with just about anything you’d put between two slices.

Use a Measuring Cup to Portion Grains

Give your serving spoons a break, and replace them with a ⅓-cup measuring cup. It may feel a little institutional to serve an exact portion, but it will help you learn how much you should be eating when it comes to rice, quinoa, or any of your favorite grains.

Start Each Meal with a Full Glass of Water

There's a reason this suggestion feels played out: Drinking water before you eat helps you to meet your fluid rec for the day, which in turn boosts your metabolism and helps you figure out if your hunger is truly hunger or actually thirst.

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