7 Tricks to Sleep Better

Of all the things you have power over in your life, sleep isn't one of them. No amount of wishing, hoping or willing can make it happen. As soon as you accept that it's out of your control, you'll spend less time worrying about it. It's like traffic during your morning commute, you can either let it drive you nuts daily or know that it's just a part of life—some days will be smoother than others.

Set a Bedtime

You set an alarm to get up every morning, but punctuality for going to bed is just as important. While you don't have to set a nightly alarm, pick an hour for shutting down every night and stick to it—on weekends too. Your body needs routine.

Take a Bath

The Sandman comes when the body's temperature drops. Exaggerate that effect with a toasty bath or shower then lie down and let your body heat get low.

Black Out

Even the smallest amount of light can disturb slumber. That means TVs, computers, and even hallway lights should be switched to the off position until you've landed safely on the other side of morning.

Drown Out Noise

Putting your iPod on shuffle isn't the best idea for drowning out your partner's snoring. You never know when a jolting party anthem will come up. Instead, sleep with a fan on or invest in a sound machine that can produce white noise to block the racket of the outside world.

Be Cool
Cold is sleep's partner in crime. So lower your thermostat a bit—and save money on your heat while you're at it—then pile on the blankets. A colder bedroom means your body will function at calmer, more restful speeds.

Eat Light

Heavy eating or drinking before bed increases your chances of indigestion or frequent trips to the bathroom. A light dinner about two hours before bedtime can help you sleep more soundly.

Stay Calm
When sleeplessness strikes, don't freak out—that will only delay the process further. Give yourself a break. So what if you're having a sleepless night? It's not the end of the world. By thinking, 'Great, I can't sleep. I'm going to be worthless tomorrow,' you're creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Relax and trust that there will be plenty of sleep-filled nights in your near future.

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