Different Levels of Body Fat in Men & Women

Body fat percentage is a great way to determine health and track weight loss. Average body fat percentages vary between men and women, as well as between different age groups. Below you’ll find a table with the different ranges of body fat for men and women, and illustrations of what these body fat percentages look like.

How to Get Abs! Blast Belly Fat.

Women want a flat, toned midsection, men six-pack abs. Despite these aspirations, most of us are heading in the wrong direction and gaining more and more belly fat, year upon year. You might be overweight or might be lean and have too much belly fat. Irrespective of your BMI, there are many health risks associated with belly fat. You can’t sleep as well as you used to, your lower back aches and exercise causes your knees hurt.

Weight Loss Program: Day-By-Day exercise plan.

To transform your body, to get fit, to be healthy and to feel great you gotta exercise. Just like the air you breathe, your body needs physical exercise. And it needs exercise in a way that is so far-reaching that scientists are only just starting to unravel some of the amazing effects exercise has on our bodies. Did you know, that exercise can actually reprogram your DNA? And while you may think that by not doing exercise you’re not doing any harm, lack of exercise itself can alter your DNA – but unfavourably!

How to make a weight loss smoothie

A major reason for the popularity of smoothies is their chameleon-like ability to be transformed into whatever you need them to be. Whether you just want a sweet treat, a workout drink, a health-boost or want to lose weight – smoothies can do it all. It’s what makes them so great, well that and the fact that they are excessively delicious.

How to burn +300 calories at home in 30 minutes

Which close-to-home cardio activities blast fat fastest? Whit this short guide you can perform exercises at home and burn as many calories as you want.

Here are the top fat-and-calorie burners at home. Try any one of these, and you'll boost your metabolism for up to a whole day afterward. One small workout, one giant payoff.

The Venus Factor System Reviews: Exclusive Weight Loss Program for Women

Note that this a review of Casey, one of @uMotivation team, if you’re looking for Venus Factor’s website then click here.

If you are one of the numerous girls and women who are not completely satisfied with the way they look, Venus Factor is one of the shortest path to changing that and enjoying a well toned, gorgeous looking body. Interested? continue reading our review.

7 Tricks to Sleep Better

Of all the things you have power over in your life, sleep isn't one of them. No amount of wishing, hoping or willing can make it happen. As soon as you accept that it's out of your control, you'll spend less time worrying about it. It's like traffic during your morning commute, you can either let it drive you nuts daily or know that it's just a part of life—some days will be smoother than others.

7 Bedtime Snacks for Weight Loss

When it comes to snacking within an hour or two of your bedtime, there's a few things to consider: First, research does link late-night calories to the potential for weight gain. One study found that eating right before turning in can make your snooze time more restless, and that sets you up for fatigue and bingeing the next day. Also, late-night noshing tends to be associated with stress eating, which leads to overindulging in high-fat comfort calories.

10 Benefits of Adding Resistance Bands to Your Workouts

Resistance bands are made of strong, thin rubber with handles at the end, and come in a variety of resistances depending on your fitness level. With resistance bands, you can do just about any type of strength training exercise -- chest presses, rows, shoulder presses, tricep extensions, bicep curls, and even squats -- without the need for heavy weights.

The Venus Factor Review. Weight Loss for Women

The Venus Factor is a diet and body sculpting course for women that aims to deliver a female physique with the most aesthetically pleasing dimensions. The creator of the program, John Barban, has used the Golden Mean to identify the “perfect” female measurement ratio. He calls this ratio the Venus Index, and has tailored his guide to helping women achieve it. He claims his course is much more than a weight loss program, as it goes well beyond shedding body fat. The guide is a hot seller with plenty of positive user feedback to its credit, so we took a closer look to see if it lives up to its reputation.

5 Basic Stretches For Tight Hips

Tight hips seem to be a common problem for almost everybody — from runners to cyclists, from deskbound bloggers to dancers. Give this area a little extra love with this sequence of eight hip-opening stretches to increase your flexibility, reduce discomfort, and prevent injury. Try the series in the order listed here, or pick your favorites to incorporate into your workout routine.

5 Ways to Eliminate Back Fat

Back bulge around the bra area or a pesky muffin top aren't fun to deal with. But you can feel more confident in your own skin with just a little extra effort. Sure, targeting specific body parts to burn fat doesn't work, but these healthy tips can help you get the results you want faster!

5 Workout Moves that Will Make You Look Flat-Bellied


Your core is about so much more than just your abdominal muscles. It comprises the main abdominal muscle (rectus abdominus, a.k.a. the “six pack” muscle) that allows you torso flexion, or what happens when you sit up from lying down or bend over. Then there's your internal and external obliques, which are responsible for torso flexion in conjunction with rotation; this happens when you sit up and simultaneously twist to one side—like when you wake up and reach for the snooze button. Yourtransverse abdominus muscle is responsible for pulling your belly in towards your spine to create a contracted, flat tummy. If you knew someone was going to punch you in the belly, you’d brace your core to prepare—that’s your TVA! And there are many other muscles that work together with all of the ones I just mentioned to stabilize your pelvis and spine.

That's why a boring old “ab” workout just won’t cut it. This workout, on the other hand, hits your abs and core from a 360-degree approach to make sure all of your glorious muscles get some love.